For over 25 years I have been working in the marketing industry and have had the pleasure of enjoying every step along the way. I have had the incredible opportunity to work with some of the greatest minds in the industry and have watched the development of technology seep into our daily existence.
Today is the New Beginning of Juggernaut Marketing Communications as we have re-designed our sense of purpose, updated our education and developed new campaigns for our tool box.
For he past 10 years Juggernaut Marketing Communications has inspired, educated and action-ed marketing campaigns, workshops and presentations to over 400 businesses. Throughout this journey I have encouraged people to highlight the passion in their work and to keep researching for solutions.
The new voice of Juggernaut is a straight up look at marketing in a fun and educational style that is tailored for the busy entrepreneur, mom & pop shop or small business.
I have maintained a blog for over 10 years but you will not find any trace of it hear, for with my new voice comes a new beginning.
Welcome to Juggernaut Marketing Communications, as you can see we are still developing our website and it will be fully operational soon. This site will be a valuable marketing resources with a focus on helping you create a path / plan to follow and reasons to enjoy your efforts.
I look forward to the future.
Chris Holland